We've said it before & we'll say it again
No Fluff, No Puff,
No Funny Stuff
Here at Frye Cattle, we've built our operation on personal integrity and quality seed stock. We say what we mean and mean what we say. We are serious about raising cattle that will compete on the biggest stage!
Our cowherd has been built from the ground up over the past 15+ years with history, predictability, and fortunately much success. Going back to traditional Maine and Simmental genetics and utilizing intensive AI, ET and cloning programs, we raise cattle that are simply "the right kind."
Hundreds of champions at all levels have been born right here in our pastures. We strive for our cattle to peak at the end, not just in a picture for an ad or on sale day, but when it counts for you!
We've said it before and we’ll say it again, "No fluff, no puff, no funny stuff."